Minoxidil Sensitivity Test

Minoxidil Sensitivity Test

Results after 24 hours

Losing Your Hair?

Get Tested. Find Solutions.

Introducing the world's first Minoxidil Response Test. Find out if Minoxidil/Rogaine® treatments will work for you with a quick and simple test.

How It Works

Minoxidil is a pro-drug requiring activation by the Sulfotransferase (SULT1A1) Enzyme in hair follicles. The activity of this enzyme determines Minoxidil response for the treatment of hair loss.

The MinoTest® determines the Sulfotransferase (SULT1A1) Enzyme levels in the hair follicle reporting to your patients the likelihood that they will respond to topical Minoxidil.

Several peer-reviewed and published clinical studies determined that the Minoxidil Sensitivity Test can identify approximately 95.9% non-responders.

Usage Instructions


  • Remove vial from refrigerator.  Gently tap lid so liquid coalesces.
  • Pluck two hairs from scalp with tweezers, check to make sure each hair sample has visible hair bulb.
  • Remove cap and insert hairs.  Ensure hair bulbs are completely submersed into liquid.
  • Trim any hair protuding from the top of the tube with a clean pair of scissors.
  • Replace cap, keeping vial in an upright position.
  • Store at room temperature for 24 hours.  DO NOT REFRIGERATE.

Results after 24 hours.

A change in the solution's color to yellow indicates that a patient will have a positive response to Minoxidil.


  • Sacar el frasco del frigorífico.  Golpear suavemente la tapa para que el liquido se mezcle.
  • Coger dos pelos del cuero cabelludo con unas pinzas.  Comprobar que cada pelo tenga su bulbo.
  • Quitar el tapón e insertar los pelos.  Comprobar que los bulbos pilosos estén completamente sumergidos en el líquido.
  • Recortar el pelo que sobresalga por la parte superior del frasco con unas tijeras limpias.
  • Poner de nuevo el tapón mantener el frasco en posición vertical.
  • Conservar a temperatura ambiente durante 24 horas.  NO REFRIDGERAR.

Resultados a las 24 horas.

Si el color de la solución cambia a amarillo indica que el paciente tendrá una respuesta positiva a Minoxidil.


  • Remover o frascodo frigorífico.  Bater levemente na tampa para que o líquido coalesça.
  • Arrancar 2 cabelos do couro cabeludo com ua pinça.  Verificar que cada amostra de cabelo tenha bolbo capilar visível.
  • Remover a tampa e inserir os cabelos.  Assegure-se que os bolbos capilares estão completamente submersos no líquido.
  • Cortar qualquer cabelo que esteja a sair do topo do tubo com uma tesoura limpa.
  • Subsitiuir a tampa, mantendo o frasco na posição vertical.
  • Guardar à temperatura ambiente durante 24 horas.  NÃO REFRIGERAR.

Resultados após 24 horas.

A mudança da cor da solução para amarelo indicará que o paciente terá uma resposta positiva ao Minoxidil.


  • Rimuovere la fiala dal frigorifero. Picchiettare delicatamente il tappo in modo che la soluzione diventi omogenea.
  • Raccogliere due capelli dal cuoio capelluto con una pinzetta verificare che in ogni campione di capelli sia visible il bulbo pilfero.
  • Togliere il tappo e inserire i capelli.  Assicurarsi che i bubi siano completamente ricoperti dal liquido.
  • Tagliare la porzione di capelli che sporge dalla parte superiore della fiala con un paio di forbici pulite.
  • Rimettere il tappo, mantenere la fiala in posizione verticale.
  • Conservare a temperatura ambiente per 24 ore.  NON REFRIGERARE.

Risultati dopo 24 ore.

Il viraggio del colore della soluzione al giallo indica che il paziente avrà una risposta positiva al Minoxidil.

The Truth About Minoxidil

Clinical Studies

10 years of research and several peer-reviewed and published clinical studies demonstrates that the Minoxidil Sulfotransferase Hair Test was able to identify people that needed a hair Sulfotransferase Enzyme Booster.

Minoxidil Sensitivity Test

Goren A, Shapiro J, Roberts J, et al. Clinical utility and validity of minoxidil response testing in androgenetic alopecia. Dermatol Ther. 2015;28(1):13-16. doi:10.1111/dth.12164

Roberts J, Desai N, McCoy J, Goren A. Sulfotransferase activity in plucked hair follicles predicts response to topical minoxidil in the treatment of female androgenetic alopecia. Dermatol Ther. 2014;27(4):252-254. doi:10.1111/dth.12130

Goren A, Castano JA, McCoy J, Bermudez F, Lotti T. Novel enzymatic assay predicts minoxidil response in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Dermatol Ther. 2014;27(3):171-173. doi:10.1111/dth.12111

McCoy J, Goren A, Naccarato T, et al. Identification of the sulfotransferase iso-enzyme primarily responsible for the bio-activation of topical minoxidil. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2019;33(3):817-819

Ramos PM, Goren A, Sinclair R, Miot HA. Oral minoxidil bio-activation by hair follicle outer root sheath cell sulfotransferase enzymes predicts clinical efficacy in female pattern hair loss. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(1):e40-e41. doi:10.1111/jdv.15891

Ramos PM, Sinclair R, Miot HA, Goren A. Sulfotransferase activity in plucked hair follicles predicts response to topical minoxidil treatment in Brazilian female pattern hair loss patients. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33(1):e13195. doi:10.1111/dth.13195

Ramos PM, Gohad P, McCoy J, Wambier C, Goren A. Minoxidil Sulfotransferase Enzyme (SULT1A1) genetic variants predicts response to oral minoxidil treatment for female pattern hair loss [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 21]. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;10.1111/jdv.16765. doi:10.1111/jdv.16765

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Registration Number:  DE/CA83/2013-38